
美国外交史研究现状 被引量:5

The Study of American Diplomatic History:A Report from the United States
摘要 美国外交史是美国史的一个重要部分。从第一次世界大战结束到1950年代,美国外交史在美国史学研究中占有显著地位。美国外交史研究在经历了1980年代以来的衰落之后,在过去10多年时间里,经历了巨大的、甚至可以说是史无前例的转变。本文全面、系统地介绍美国外交史研究最近30年来的进展,并对其主要学术思潮和研究方法、主要作者及其学术观点进行系统性梳理,以方便国内学者和读者更详尽地了解这门学科的国际学术前沿。 The study of American diplomatic history is an important part of American history. From the 1920s through the 1950s, the study of American diplomacy was central to the historical profession in the U- nited States. The study of American diplomatic history has undergone radical, perhaps unprecedented trans- formations since its decline in the early 1980s. The article provides a comprehensive and systematic survey of the literature of American diplomatic history in the last 30 years. It introduces not only new approaches, methodologies, and the content of major books and articles, but also discusses key areas of interpretative dis- agreement.
作者 夏亚峰 栗广
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期96-114,共19页 Collected Papers of History Studies
关键词 美国外交史 意识形态 文化转向 跨国转向 文献述评 American diplomatic history ideology cultural turn transnational turn a survey of the litera- ture
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