
基于自主规划的载人航天器飞行程序设计 被引量:5

Design of Flight Procedure Based on Autonomous Planning for Manned Spacecraft
摘要 针对航天器飞控任务中因飞行程序的准确、实时需求,对地面人力、物力和测控资源强依赖的现状,提出基于自主规划的载人航天器飞行程序设计方法,并设计了飞行程序自主规划系统。自主规划系统由测控覆盖计算模块、知识配置模块和规划调度模块组成,测控覆盖计算模块自主生成进出测控区的程序,知识配置模块对指令约束条件等航天器模型进行描述,规划调度模块以约束条件传递的方式规划任务程序,实现不依赖地面的自主飞行程序设计。通过建立自主规划系统与控制等分系统之间的信息交互,可有效解决飞行程序与控制的协同问题,并实现不依赖于测控资源的紧急故障处理。 Flight control mission of a spacecraft is strongly depended on the human and material resources, measurement and control resources for the accurate and real time demand of flight pro- cedures. For this reason, this paper proposes a design method of flight procedures based on auto- nomous planning for manned spacecraft, and designs an autonomous planning system. The sys- tem consists of TT^C coverage calculation module, knowledge configuration module, and plan- ning and scheduling module. The TT^C coverage calculation module is used to autonomously generate the program of in-out port control zone. The knowledge configuration module is used to describe the spacecraft model, such as command constraints. The mission process is planned by the transfer of constrained conditions by the planning and scheduling module. Through this sys- tem, the flight procedure can be autonomously generated. By building the information interaction between the autonomous planning system and the control system, this design can effectively make coordination between the management of flight procedure and the control program, and also achieve the emergency fault disposal onboard.
出处 《航天器工程》 北大核心 2015年第1期50-55,共6页 Spacecraft Engineering
关键词 载人航天器 飞行程序 自主规划 故障处理 manned spacecraft flight procedure autonomous planning fault disposal
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