

European Countries-National Change——Reflection on Two Main Views
摘要 本文对两种不同观念做了概括性分析,这两种观念的历史背景截然不同。但它们的共同点是,都可成为当代欧洲社会政治组织形式的国家一民族模式(modele stato-national)之替代选项。奥匈-马克思主义者(austro-maxiste)奥托·鲍威尔(Atto Bauer)和卡尔·伦纳(Karl Renner)发掘的多民族国家理论(the orie del'e tat multinational)以及尤尔根·哈贝马斯(J(u|¨)rgen Habermas)提出的宪法爱国主义(patriotisme constitutionnel)理论,都为有关欧洲国家未来问题的思考做出了很大贡献,这些国家正经历着民族内部结构的动荡,而与此同时,欧洲政治整合前景又要求建构一个组织规范和共同价值观体系(corpus),以越过社群主义(communautarisme)的深壑。 The paper made generally analysis about two main views that have completely different historic backgrounds, but their common point is that both can be the alternation of module stato-national of European social political organizational forms . Theorie de l' etat multinational explored by Atto Bauer and Karl Rennet of austro-maxiste, patriotisme constitutionnel theory proposed by Jtirgen Habermas made great contribution for thinking future problems of some European countries which are suffering roil of national inner structure. At the same time, the European integration future requires building an organization criterion and a common value system so as to cross the gap of communautarisme.
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期93-97,共5页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
关键词 国家-民族 多民族国家 欧洲整合 民族 宪法爱国主义 Countries--nation Multinational Counyry European Integration Nation Constutionel Patriotisme
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