
晚期二语者句法加工过程的调节因素及其效应 被引量:6

The Moderating Factors and Their Effect in Late Second Language Learners' Syntactic Processing
摘要 针对晚期二语者句法加工能力的发展普遍存在困难这一现象,近年来采用以ERP为核心技术的脑认知研究发现,二语者的二语熟练度、一语和二语间具体的句法结构的相似程度、以及以工作记忆为核心的个体认知能力等因素起着各自独立而又相互影响的调节作用,并且形成了浅层结构理论所主张的晚期二语者的句法加工与母语者有着本质差别的"定性说"与统一竞争模型所主张的晚期二语者和母语者在句法加工上没有本质差别的"量变说"两种理论分野,二者的分歧集中表现为晚期二语者能否最终形成类母语水平的二语句法加工模式。为此,需要开展以三个因素如何交互作用为主体的跨语言(二语与一语性质的多样性)研究。 Recent brain cognition research mainly based on ERP found that second language proficiency, cross-linguistic similarity and working memory-centered individual cognitive ability are independent but influence each other, which leads to the theoretical discrepancy between Shallow Structure Hypothesis indicating there is fundamental difference in L2 syntactic processing between late L2 learners and native speakers and Unified Competition Model which is on the opposite and proposes hat that there is no fundamental Differences. L2 processing as compared to the L1 (or to native speakers of the L2) is generally associated with constructions that were crosslinguistically dissimilar or unique to the L2.The difference between the two claims lies in whether late L2 learner can achieve native-like L2 syntactic processing. Accordingly, cross-linguistic studies on the interactive role of these three factors should be conducted in the future.
作者 常欣 王沛
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期225-233,共9页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目"晚期汉英二语者句法加工的调节机制:行为与ERP研究"(31300928) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目"二语熟练度与语言间句法结构通达性对晚期汉英双语者英语被动句加工过程的影响"(13ZS092) 上海交通大学2013年度文理交叉项目"语言声调感知与音乐音调感知的关系:行为与ERPs"(14X190040003) 2013年度上海交通大学晨星学者计划项目资助
关键词 晚期二语者 句法加工 二语熟练度 语言间句法结构相似性 工作记忆 second language learners syntactic processing second language proficiency cross-linguistic similarity working memory
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