
论意义发生的空间维度 被引量:4

On the Space Dimension of Semogenesis
摘要 意义发生是系统功能语言学中的重要思想,但目前学界仅探讨了意义发生的时间维度,未涉及空间维度,而空间维度关注意义系统的参与主体及主体间关系。在对比意义发生时间维度和空间维度差异的基础上,本文论证空间维度存在的可能性与必要性,提出与种系发生、个体发生、话语发生相对应的空间维度的三个层面:民族发生、交际发生和互文发生。空间维度是意义发生的内在动力,时间维度是意义发生的标尺,在一定时间尺度上,空间维度的三个层面与时间维度的三个层面交互作用,推动意义不断发展。同时,时间维度和空间维度受意识形态、文化语境和情境语境等语境因素制约。 Semogenesis is one of the most significant concepts in Systemic Functional Linguistics,but only the time dimension of it has been discussed in the literature,leaving the space dimension of semogenesis,w hich focuses on the participants of the semiotic system and their relations,scarcely investigated. After comparing time dimension and space dimension of semogemesis,w e argue for the possibility and necessity of introducing space dimension into semogenesis,and w e further propose there are three levels of space demension: ethnogenesis,interpersonal semogenesis and intertextual semogenesis. Space dimension is the innate driving force of semogenesis,w hile time dimension is the scale plate. In a certain time scale,the three levels of space dimension interact w ith their corresponding levels in time dimension,promoting the evolutionary development of meaning. M eanw hile,the dimensions are restricted by ideology,context of culture and context of situation.
作者 王汐 杨炳钧
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期32-37,共6页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目(项目编号:NCET-11-0704)阶段性成果
关键词 意义发生 空间维度 民族发生 交际发生 互文发生 semogenesis space dimension ethnogenesis interpersonal semogenesis intertextual semogenesis
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