
生词注释对限时阅读理解与词汇附带习得的影响 被引量:19

Effects of Glossing on Timed Reading Comprehension and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition
摘要 本研究以223名非英语专业大二学生为研究对象,通过课堂实验考查不同的生词注释方式对限时阅读理解与词汇附带习得的影响作用,并借助问卷和访谈了解学生与教师对生词注释的看法。结果表明:无注释组和中文旁注组的限时阅读理解得分存在显著性差异,中文旁注更有助于学生理解文章;生词注释对词汇附带习得有显著性影响,无注释组的词汇习得效果最差。延时词汇测试显示:虽然习得词汇的保持效果呈下降趋势,但注释组仍好于无注释组。多数学生希望阅读文本能以旁注的方式提供中英文注释,教师则对生词注释的作用机制提供了更合理的解释。 This study investigates the effects of glossing on timed reading comprehension and incidental vocabulary acquisition by conducting a classroom experiment among232 non-English major sophomores,and also analyzes students' and teachers' opinions and reactions tow ards different types of glosses using a survey and interview s. Results indicated that there w as a significant difference betw een no-gloss and marginal Chinese glosses on the timed reading comprehension test and the latter w as more helpful in students' comprehension of the reading passage. Furthermore,glossing had a significant effect on incidental vocabulary acquisition as w hen no gloss w as provided the effect of acquisition w as the most unsatisfactory. The retention of the vocabulary acquired on the delayed test gradually declined,but the glossing-provided performed better than the no-gloss provided. The investigation also revealed that most students show ed preference for the reading passages w ith English-Chinese glosses in the margin,and teachers provided more reasonable explanation for glossing.
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期50-55,61,共7页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“以语料库为基础的英汉学术语篇对比研究”(项目编号:13BYY156) 江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学基金项目
关键词 生词注释 限时阅读理解 词汇附带习得 glossing timed reading comprehension incidental vocabulary acquisition
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