
两层传感器网络中安全分类协议研究 被引量:1

Safe and secure classification protocol in two-tiered sensor networks
摘要 提出了一种安全分类协议SSC,该协议在保护待分类数据和分类规则隐私的情况下使存储节点进行正确分类,并且sink节点可以对分类结果进行抽样认证,防止妥协存储节点伪造分类结果。提出了一种不经意比较(oblivious comparison)技术MHash,该技术首先将分类需要的大小比较转换成等值比较,并进一步采用模运算和散列技术实现隐私保护下的数据分类。提出了一种"十"字邻居技术,分别将传感器以及传感器采集的数据组织成链,并采用倒置布鲁姆过滤器技术同步传感器节点之间的数据,sink利用该技术可以抽样检查存储节点分类统计结果的正确性,分析和实验结果验证了所提方案的有效性。 A safe and security classification protocol named SSC was proposed for two-tiered sensor networks, which enable storage nodes to process classification correctly without knowing both the value of classifying rules and the data which will be classified. To protect privacy, an oblivious comparison technique was presented. MHash, which enable storage nodes to compare data items from sink and sensors without knowing their values. Based on MHash and prefix membership verification technique, classification target was achieved in protecting the privacy of both sensor collected data and sink issued classification rules. To verify the correctness of classification results, a crossed neighborhood technique was proposed which organize sensors and data items in one sensor in sequences, to allow the sink checking the correctness of sampling classification results. Analysis and experimental results validate the efficacy and efficiency of SSC protocol.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期56-67,共12页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61370226 61472132) 中国博士后科学基金资助项目 湖南大学青年教师成长计划基金资助项目 上海电力学院引进人才启动基金资助项目(K2015-008)~~
关键词 两层传感器网络 安全分类 隐私保护 完整性认证 two-tiered sensor networks secure classification privacy preserving integrity verification
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