
《幸福过了头》:叙述中的错位与记忆 被引量:5

Approaching a Narrative of Displacement and Memory in “Too Much Happiness”
摘要 《幸福过了头》是艾丽丝·门罗2009年推出的小说集题名小说,放在集子最后篇压轴。该作品采用第三人称单数叙述,但叙述的声音是多维的,既可看作是叙事者索菲娅自己在叙述,也可认为是她的思想记忆在展演,或者可以说自由间接话语引发了某种潜在的言说。这种由不同故事情节混合而成的多声部叙事具有对话性文本特征。本文从叙述错位和记忆书写两方面探讨该小说的叙事断裂及其张力,认为门罗通过时空跳跃和省略,把现实、回忆、想象与虚幻缠绕在一起,建构了某种以记忆片断和瞬间为想象基础的精神世界,极大地发挥了文学的记忆潜能,让读者用自己的个人经历、阅读体验和相关记忆去填补意义的空白。 This paper reads the title story of Alice Munro's Too Much Happiness( 2009) as a text of displacement. It aims to examine how its narrator Sophia Kovalevsky features different voices in memory,rendering an elliptical historical fiction and a spiritual travelogue. It discusses the ways in which she crosses the borders between history,personal memoir and fiction. It also deals with the role of memory and focuses on an examination of different value systems implicated in the travelogue. It is argued that Munro unleashes the power of memory to construct her world of mind in which reality and imagination can interact on each other.
作者 杨金才
出处 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期111-117,159,共7页 Foreign Literatures
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  • 1Ajay Heble, The Tumble of Reason : Alice Munro" s Discourse of Absence (Toronto: University of Toronto Press Incorporat- ed, 1994), p. 3.
  • 2Coral Ann Howells, "Writing by Women", The Cambridge Companion to Canadian Literature, ed. Eva-Marie Kr611er ( New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p. 200.
  • 3E. D. Blodgett, Alice Munro ( Boston: Twayne, 1988) , p. 126.
  • 4艾丽丝·门罗:《幸福过了头》,张小意译,译林出版社2013年版,290页.
  • 5Eva Zsizsmann, "Escaping Flimsy Formal Cages : Alice Mun- ro's ' Too Much Happiness' as Fictionalised Biography", Brno Studies in English 37. 2 (2011), p. 202.
  • 6Andrew Hiscock, "Longing for a Human Climate: Alice Mu- nro's Friend of My Youth and the Culture of Loss", The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 32.2 (1997) , p, 17.
  • 7Joyce Carol Oates, "Who Do You Think You Are?", The New York Review of Books ( December 2009 ) , p. 42.
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  • 9Robert McGill, " Where Do You Think You Are? Alice Mun-to' s Open Houses", Mosaic 35.4 (2002), p. 106.
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  • 4Canitz, Christa, and Roger Seamon. "The Rhetoric of Fictional Realism in the Stories of Alice Munro." Canadian Literature 150 (Autumn 1996) : 67.
  • 5Charman, Chaltlin J. "Horror and Retrospection in Alice Munro's ' Fits '." Canadian Literature 191 (2006) :13-30.
  • 6Elliott, Gayle. "A Different Track: FeministMetanarrative in Alice Munro's 'Friend of My Youth -." Journal of Modern Literature 20. 1 (Summer 1996) - 75.
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