
论东盟高等教育共同空间构建及启示 被引量:8

The Association of South-east Asian Nations Space of Higher Education and Enlightenment
摘要 基于地缘政治因素,为推进区域经济一体化发展,抗衡大国威胁,自20世纪六七十年代以来,东盟通过创建东南亚高校合作组织,整合高等教育体制与高等教育资源,构建高等教育共同空间,努力推动各成员国之间高等教育的交流与合作,极大地提升了东盟高等教育的竞争力、影响力。东盟高等教育区域合作的成功经验,对推动我国高等教育由单一地区发展模式向区域合作发展模式的转变,做强与国家主体功能区战略相适应、相协调的区域高等教育,具有一定的借鉴意义。 To promote simultaneous and harmonious development of regional economy, society and culture, out of geopolitical considerations, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations has effectively improved its compe- tence and influence in higher education through various methods since the 60s and 70s of the 20th century. These include establishing cooperative organizations among universities and colleges in Southeast Asia, integrating systems and resources of higher education, constructing higher education' s common space, and promoting communication and cooperation of higher education among member countries. Studying their successful experience of widespread cooperation between regions in Southeast Asia is significant for the transformation of higher education' s mode from independent developments to intense cooperation between the areas, making it adapted to the country' s strategy for main function region.
作者 李化树 叶冲
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期10-15,共6页 International and Comparative Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"西部高等教育区域合作与发展模式研究"(项目编号:13YJA880038)成果
关键词 东南亚联盟 高等教育一体化 高等教育区域合作 高等教育共同空间 Association of Southeast Asian Nations integration of higher education the regional cooperationof higher education common space of higher education
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