
德国学前教育的发展现况和未来趋势 被引量:10

Development of Early Childhood Care and Education in Germany
摘要 德国的学前教育长期以来并没有形成统一的学前托管模式,入园率、师资等在原东德和原西德地区之间存在很大差异。德国的学前教育计划由各州自行制定、实施并监管,但联邦政府还是从政策和财政投入两方面积极推动学前教育的发展。为了使母亲有更多的就业机会,德国政府不断加强对学前教育的关注度和投入力度:从法律上保障儿童接受学前教育的权益;提供灵活多样的社会托管服务;将托管服务对象由3~6岁扩大到0~6岁并致力于改善托幼机构的育儿质量。 Despite the long history of the provision of early childhood care and education in Germany, there has been no unified profile of day-care centers considering the great differences between eastern and western German states in terms of admission rate, staffing etc. However the plan of early childhood care and education is initiated, executed and regulated by the federal state with a joint effort from the federal government. With the expectation to create a needs-oriented supply of day-care places for children, the federation exercises its authority through establishing the legal right to a place in day care for children from the age of one up to starting school, making efforts to expand day care services for children aged below three, financially supporting family day-care and parental leave, and initiating staff training and scientific research programs on ECEC.
作者 王兴华
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期107-111,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 德国 入园率 学前教育财政投入 学前教育政策 Germany admission rate expenditure on ECEC ECEC policy
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