
邻避现象原因新析:风险认知与公众信任的视角 被引量:69

Analysis on the Causes of NIMBY in the Perspective of Risk Perception and Public Trust
摘要 本文从风险认知切入,对导致公众风险认知偏差的个人特征和风险特征进行了分析,揭示了公众风险认知与专家风险认知的差异;并指出公众和政府或专家的风险认知差异与二者之间的信任关系是相互影响的。在此基础上,进一步分析了风险和信任的关系,提出信任和风险关系的风险认知中介作用模型,指出信任是弥合利益相关者风险认知差异的关键因素。 Risk controversy or even group incidents caused by construction projects can be contributed psychologically to the divergence among the different risk perception of various stakeholders and the resulting trust and behavior choice. In the perspective of risk perception, the paper analyzes the personal characteristics and the risk characteristics which lead to the public cognitive biases, reveals the differences of the risk perception between the public and the specialists, and points out that the differences of the risk perception between the public and the specialists influence the trust between them, and vice versa. On this basis, the paper further analyzes the relationship between trust and risk, designs a new model on trust - risk relationship by using risk perception as the mediator, and puts forward that trust is the key factor to bridge the different risk perception of various stakeholders.
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期131-135,共5页 Chinese Public Administration
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"大型工程的社会稳定风险评估研究"(编号:11&ZD173) 湖南省社会科学基金项目"基于风险认知的邻避工程社会稳定风险化解机制研究"(编号:14YBA020) 湖南省科技厅基金项目"基于湖南经验的重大工程社会稳定风险控制策略研究"(编号:2014sk3215)
关键词 邻避现象 风险认知 认知差异 公众信任 NIMBY, risk perception, perception differences, public trust
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