指出了城市公园绿地是城市绿地的主要组成部分,是为市民提供游憩、休息的场所。经过对瑞丽市现状公园绿地的调查,采用Quick Bird卫星影像图为数据源,运用Auto CAD绘制现状调查图,量取面积,通过计算分析得出了瑞丽市现有各类公园绿地117.93hm2,人均公园绿地面积达到7.09m2/人,绿地率为17.93%,绿化覆盖率为18.72%,公园绿地服务半径覆盖率56.11%。调查结果表明:现状公园绿地类型不全,布局不合理,可达性较差。
Urban park green space is an important component of urban green land, which provides the recreational and resting space for citizens. Through the investigation of the current situation of park green space in Ruili city, this article adopts Quick Bird satellite data as data source and uses Auto CAD to draw the investigation map. Through the analysis and calculation, the article finds that the total urban park green space in Ruili is 117.93hm2 , the capita of park green space is 7.09m2/per, greening rate is 17.93%, greenery coverage rate is 18.72%and the coverage rate of park green space service radius is 56.11%; then the article concludes that the current situation of the type of park green space is incomplete, the layout is irrational and the accessibility is poor.
Journal of Green Science and Technology
park green space
status survey
Ruili city