

Research on Physical Activities of Minority Women in Shanghai——A Case Study of Korean and Gaoshan Nationalities
摘要 采用文献资料、问卷调查法等研究方法,对上海市84名朝鲜族和高山族的女性的日常体力活动做了跟踪调查,并对这些数据进行分析。结果显示,适度的日常体力活动会使所有年龄段的女性从中受益,未参与体力活动的女性比例明显高与男性。由于饮食习惯的不同,朝鲜族和高山族的女性可能存在更高的患病风险,如心血管疾病、高血压、糖尿病等,而这些疾病可能可以由经常性的适度体力活动得到部分控制,因此这一现象尤为令人担忧。 This study carries out a follow - up investigation on daily physical activities of 84 Korean and Gaoshan women in Shanghai with methods of literature and questionnaire and analyzes the collected data. Results show women of all ages benefit from moderate daily physical activity, but the rate of women withdrawing from physical activity is significantly higher than that of men's. Different eating habits may lead to higher risk of Korean and Gaoshan women getting diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and diabetes. This phenomenon is quite worrisome but it can be partly controlled by regular and moderate physical activity.
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2015年第3期107-108,116,共3页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 少数民族 女性 朝鲜族 高山族 体力活动 ethnic minority women Korean nationality Gaoshan nationality physical activity
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