2013年美国心脏病学会基金会(American college of cardiology foundation,ACCF)及美国心脏协会(American heart association,AHA)发布了最新ST段抬高型心肌梗死(ST segment elevation myocardial infarction,STEMI)诊治指南,并指出STEMI是一种临床综合征,其特征症状是心肌缺血结合持续的心电图(ECG)ST段抬高并后续释放心肌坏死标志物^([1])。
Practical Geriatrics
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8Rui Zeng,Mian Wang,Gui‐ying You,et al.Effect of Mini‐Tyrosyl‐t RNA Synthetase/Mini‐Tryptophanyl‐t RNA Synthetase on Angiogenesis in Rhesus Monkeys after Acute Myocardial Infarction[J].Cardiovasc Ther,2016,34(1):4-12.
9Nazario Carrabba,Guido Parodi,Akiko Maehara,et al,Rheolityc thrombectomy in acute myocardial infarction:Effect on microvascular obstruction,infarct size,and left ventricular remodeling[J].Cathet.Cardiovasc.Intervent,2016,87(1):1-8.
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