

The Research on Citalopram Application in Treatment of Tension Headache
摘要 目的对西酞普兰在紧张性头痛治疗中的治疗效果进行探究。方法将我院神经内科于2013年1月-2014年9月收治的紧张性头痛患者120例,随机分成对照组和治疗组各60例患者,对照组患者给予布洛芬治疗,治疗组给予西酞普兰治疗,对两组患者治疗后不良反应发生情况和临床症状进行分析比较。结果经过为期一个疗程(6周)的治疗,对治疗效果进行比较分析,对照组和治疗组的不良反应发生率分别为15%和6.7%,治疗总有效率分别为85%和96.7%,两组结果对比差异显著,治疗有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论使用西酞普兰治疗紧张性头痛能够取得满意的效果,并且不良反应发生率极低,安全有效。 Objective The effectiveness of citalopram efficacy in treatment of tension headache is to be investigated. Methods Choose 120 tension headache patients who are treated in hospital neurology department from January 2013 to September 2014 and separate them into control group and study group with 60 patients in each group. Patients in control group are given ibuprofen medicine treatment,while patients in study group are given citalopram treatment,and then observe and compare the patients’ side effects and their clinical symptoms of the two groups. Results Compare the treatment efficacy of two groups after six-week treatment,the result shows that the side-effect incidence in control group and study group are 15% and 6.7%respectively,while,the treatment efficacy in control group and study group are 85%and 96.7%respectively,there is a treatment differential between the two groups,and such a differential has statistic value(P〈0.05).Conclusion Citalopram is of efficiency and safety in treatment of tension headache with few side effects. Thus,such a treatment approach is quite worthwhile to be clinical y promoted and applied.
作者 孟令伟
机构地区 大庆油田总医院
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2015年第3期247-248,共2页 China Health Standard Management
关键词 西酞普兰 紧张性头痛 治疗 应用 Citalopram, Tension headache, Treatment, Application
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