
光强控制非线性布喇格光纤光栅慢光特性研究 被引量:2

Investigation on the slow-light characteristics of nonlinear Bragg gratings based on optical power control
摘要 为了在光纤通信网络中控制光的传播速度以实现全光路由及全光缓存,构建了耦合模传输模型,采用含时推移变量的传输矩阵方法,数值研究了光强控制下非线性布喇格光纤光栅(NLBG)的慢光特性。结果表明,NLBG禁带位置具有强烈的光强依赖性,入射光强的变化能够有效改变光的传输群速度,对于输出脉冲未展宽的情况,普遍可以得到100ps以上的输出脉冲时延,且当入射光强一定时,NLBG的长度变化对光的传播群速度也有显著的影响。 To control the speed of light to achieve all-optical router and all-optical buffer in optical fiber communication network,the transmission model of coupled mode is constructed. By utilizing the modified time-domain transfer matrix method, the slow-light characteristics of nonlinear fiber Bragg gratings(NLBG) have been studied numerically based on optical power control. The results show that the photonic stopgap critically depends on the power of light and the variation of input power can effectively change the group velocity of light. Considering the case that the output pulse is not broadened,slow-light systems can generally obtain an output pulse delay time beyond 100ps. Furthermore,for the fixed input power,changing the length of NLBG can observably influence the group velocity of light.
出处 《激光技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期224-227,共4页 Laser Technology
基金 贵州省科学技术基金资助项目(黔科合J字LKM[2012]23号)
关键词 光纤光学 光纤光栅 慢光 群速度时延 fiber optics fiber grating slow-light group velocity delay time
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