
固体颗粒含量和形状对流体黏度的影响 被引量:5

Effect of particle fraction and shape on fluid viscosity
摘要 实验采用蓖麻油作为流体,近似于长方体的ABS塑性颗粒及近似于圆盘状的石蜡颗粒作为固体颗粒,以旋转黏度仪为实验仪器,研究固体颗粒含量和形状对流体黏度的影响。结果表明:当蓖麻油中颗粒含量≤10%时,颗粒流体为牛顿流体,当蓖麻油中颗粒含量≥15%时,颗粒流体为非牛顿流体;蓖麻油的黏度随颗粒含量增加而增大,近似于圆盘状的石蜡颗粒比近似于长方体的ABS塑性颗粒对蓖麻油黏度的影响更显著。此外,引入形状系数因子,对Einstein-Roscoe模型进行修正,将修正模型预测结果与实验结果对比分析,验证了修正模型的准确性。 The viscosity of fluids containing particles was measured by rotation viscometer, during which castor oil was used as fluid, ABS plastic pellets and flaky paraffin acted as solid particles.The results show that when particle fraction is lower than 10%, the fluids still behave as Newtonian flow, while in the case of larger than 15% the fluids exhibit non-Newtonian flow features; as well with increasing particle fraction the viscosity of castor oil increases and the effect of flaky particles is greater than ABS plastic pellets under same situation. In addition, the Einstein-Roscoe model was modified by introducing a shape factor and used to pre-estimate the viscosities which was used to compare with the experimental result. And the comparison result proves that thus modified Einstein-Roscoe model is good to pre-estimate the viscosity.
出处 《粉末冶金材料科学与工程》 EI 北大核心 2015年第1期46-52,共7页 Materials Science and Engineering of Powder Metallurgy
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.51234001)
关键词 颗粒 流体黏度 旋转黏度计 Einstein-Roscoe修正模型 particles fluid viscosity rotation viscometer the modified Einstein-Roscoe model
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