Service Learning at National Taipei College of Business, 2012-2013" New Perspectives on Community, Peer-Based Education
Service Learning at National Taipei College of Business, 2012-2013" New Perspectives on Community, Peer-Based Education
Service learning (also known as peer learning) has received increased attention in tertiary education. By linking learning with authentic volunteer work experience, service learning bridges the gap between theoretical study and practical reality. This practice can increase students' professional knowledge, educational development, self-esteem, and awareness of social responsibility. Service learning became a mandatory requirement for all students at National Taipei College of Business (NTCB; now National Taipei University of Business) in 2011, and this is the focus of this study, extending into the 2012 school year. This course-based program allows undergraduate language majors to put their language skills into practice by teaching peers, and also through other volunteer work. This program has greatly benefitted undergraduate students at the school. This study will examine course data, student reports, and interviews with student teachers. The researchers have documented the implementation of the peer-mentor program at NTCB, and the learning gains experienced among students and the professors who assisted in these processes.
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