
探讨核医学诊断原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症的临床价值 被引量:2

Discuss the Clinical Value About Nuclear Medicine Diagnosis of Primary Parathyroid Function
摘要 目的分析应用核医学对原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症(PHPT)进行诊断的临床价值。方法选择我院收治的9例PHPT患者的临床诊断资料进行回顾性分析。结果所有患者的骨显像均呈现出代谢性骨病,99mTc04-甲状腺显像、99mTc-MIBI双时相核素显像部分有异常影像存在。结论应用核医学影像对PHPT进行临床诊断具有重要价值。 Objective To analyze the clinical value of diagnosis about the application of nuclear medicine in primary parathyroid function (PHPT). Methods The clinical diagnosis data of 9 patients in our hospital with PHPT were analyzed retrospectively. Results All patients with bone scintigraphy were present a metabolic bone disease, mtc 04-99, 99 MTC thyroid imaging-MIBI in two-phase nuclide imaging abnormal image part existed. Conclusion The application of nuclear medical imaging has important value for clinical diagnosis of PHPT.
作者 张洋
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2015年第4期183-184,共2页 China Continuing Medical Education
关键词 甲状旁腺功能亢进症 核医学 临床价值 Parathyroid function already Nuclear medicine Clinical value
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