

Theoretical Research and Policy Evolution of other Countries with Respect to the Right of Social Assistance
摘要 二十世纪以来,社会救助权逐渐引起各国学者和政府的重视,国外对社会救助权的理论研究主要围绕以下四个方面展开:对贫困的界定和贫困与人权联系的论证;关于社会救助权实现途径和因素的探讨;社会救助权利正当性的论证;对贫困群体责任的强调。而有关社会救助权的政策发展在各国主要体现为:从生存权的保障扩展到生存权和发展权并重;社会救助权的实现凭借政府和社团组织的合作;注重教育救助和医疗救助;完善社会救助权的制度。 Since twentieth Century, the right of social assistance has gradually aroused the attention of governments and scholars, the theory research of right of social assistance abroad mainly focused on the following aspects: the definition of poverty, the contaction of poverty and human rights; ways of implementation and factors of social assistance right; the legitimacy of the right of social assistance; community responsibility. The policies related to the development of the right of social assistance in various countries are mainly reflected in: from the protection of the right to survival to the rights to survival and development both; the cooperation of government and community organizations to realize the right of assistance right; pay attention to the education and medical assistance; perfect the systemes of the right of social assistance.
作者 冀慧珍
出处 《中共山西省直机关党校学报》 2015年第1期1-7,共7页 Journal of the Party School for the Departments Directly under Shanxi Provincial Committee of the CPC
基金 山西省软科学研究项目"山西省农业转移人口可持续就业研究"(2014041041-1)
关键词 社会救助权 贫困 生存权 发展权 the right of social assistance poverty the right of existence the right to development
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