基于Lab VIEW开发了一套用于多路阀阀体的疲劳测控系统,并对液压系统进行了相关的设计和计算。该系统可以按照设定的参数自动调整疲劳试验的压力、压力上升和压力下降的速度、保压时间等参数,调节这些参数可以模拟多种形式的疲劳试验工况,并可根据压力参数进行相关安全保护以及试验次数的计算。
A test and control system for multi-way valve's fatigue life was developed based on Lab VIEW. The hydraulic principle of this system was designed. Necessary parameters of this system could be set automatically. For example,pressure of test,the speeds of pressure rising and falling,pressure maintaining time and so on. This system could be use to simulate different test conditions by controlling these parameters. Also,this system could be taken some protective actions and be calculated the test time by analyzing the pressure data.
Machine Tool & Hydraulics