
云模糊循环堆栈应急调度耦合态势优化模型 被引量:3

Emergency Dispatch Optimization Model of Coupling Situation Based on Cloud Fuzzy Cycle Stack
摘要 在特大地震灾害等突发事件救援力量和资源应急智能调度中,需要构建调度网络,应急调度网络的耦合态势的优化设计,对提高调度网络的活力和效率至关重要。提出一种基于云模糊循环堆栈的应急调度耦合态势优化模型,基于基本交汇点疏散特征与可控疏散网络的构建原则,构建网络模型,网络配置中涵盖了紧急疏散的规划和政策制定、路径选择、救灾物资发放和资源的合理配置、以及灾后重建等。设立工作区、装备区、指挥部等,进行正确的区域、场所的划分和设定。对突发事件应急调度网络的能量节点进行模糊循环堆栈控制设计,得到救援力量最优配置,增强突发事件应急调度网络系统的稳定性,实现对网模型的耦合态势优化控制。仿真结果表明,该模型能有效提高应急救援的吞吐性能,突发事件的应急救援和资源调度的响应时间缩短,性能提高。 In the earthquake disaster emergency rescue force and resource emergency intelligent scheduling, it needs to construct a scheduling network, optimization design of coupling situation of emergency dispatch network is necessary, it is essential to improve the vitality and efficiency of scheduling network. A emergency Scheduling optimization model of cycle coupling situation is proposed based on fuzzy cloud stack, the basic point of intersection construction principles and controllable evacuation evacuation based on network, the construction of a network model is obtained, network configuration covers emergency evacuation planning and policy formulation, and disaster relief material release and the rational allocation of resources is taken, and post disaster reconstruction etc.. A working area, equipment area, headquarters, regional, place the correct division and set are constructed. The energy of nodes emergency dispatch network fuzzy stack control design cycle,the rescue force allocation is obtained, and the stability of emergency dispatch system is enhanced. The simulation results show that, the model can effectively improve the throughput performance of the response time of emergency rescue, and emergency rescue is improved, the performance of resource scheduling is improved.
作者 刘艳艳
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2015年第2期110-112,共3页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
基金 中国地震局教师科研基金资助项目(20110116)
关键词 云模糊 应急调度 耦合 cloud fuzzy emergency dispatch coupling
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