2IBO. 2007 Diploma Programme Chemsitry guide (for the first examination is 2009). International Baccalaureate Organization.
3National Research Council. 2002b. learning and understanding: Improving Advanced Study of Mathematics and Science in U.S. High Schools: Report for the Content panel for Chemistry. from the http://books. nap. edu/books/NI000403/html/.
4American Chemical Society. 2008. Chemistry in the National Science Education Standards. Models for Meaningful Learning in the High School Chemistry Classroom from the http://portal. acs. org/portal/acs/corg/content? _ nfpb = true& _ pageLabel=PP_ARTICLEMAIN&node_id = 869 & content _id =WPCP 010710&use_sec= true&see_url_var= region1&__ uuid= 5ce48784- 584a- 467d- 81 d5 - 79b5337e1ca5.
5Collegeboard AP Chemistry Course Description May 2009 , May 2010.
6AP Chemistry past test papers year 2003-2009 and questions in Form B.
7IB Chemistry past test papers year 2003-2008 for both May and November sessioin.