
煤灰黏温特性的测试条件 被引量:2

Measurement Condition of Coal Ash Viscosity-Temperature Characteristics
摘要 煤灰的黏温特性对以液态排渣的气流床气化炉至关重要。选用岳阳煤灰为原料,在实验室购置的RV DV-Ⅲ型高温黏度计上分别从样品量、升温条件、降温速率等方面对煤灰黏温特性的测试条件进行了研究。结果表明:应用此仪器进行煤灰黏温特性测试,制灰量至少为80g,预熔后的渣样量为40~50g;一般以待测样品流动温度(TF)以上200℃作为测试的最高温度,样品升温段在灰熔点以下100℃能以较快速率升温,在灰熔点附近降低升温速率并在灰熔点左右恒温。采用连续降温方式进行测试,分析显示以1℃/min降温速率进行测试较合理。 The viscosity-temperature characteristic of coal ash is crucial for liquid slag entrained flow gasifier.The viscosity-temperature characteristics of Yueyang coal ash were studied by the RV DV-Ⅲtype high temperature viscosimeter.The influences of sample mass,temperature condition and cooling rate on coal ash viscosity-temperature characteristics were researched.The results show that the mass of coal ash should be at least 80 g,and the mass of slag sample after premelting should be from 40 g to 50 g.The highest temperature in test should be 200 ℃ more than the slag's flow temperature(TF).When the temperature of sample is 100℃colder than the ash melting point,the heating rate could be fast.When the temperature of sample is near the ash melting point,the heating rate should be slow,and the temperature should keep constant for a certain time when it has reached the ash melting point.Based on the results of this experiment the cooling rate at 1 ℃/min is found to be reasonable using continuous cooling way.
出处 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期23-27,47,共6页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973计划)(2010CB227005)
关键词 高温黏度计 煤灰 黏温特性 测试条件 high temperature viscometer coal ash viscosity-temperature characteristics measurement condition
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