
技术社会学的研究路径与中国建构 被引量:6

Research Routes of Sociology of Technology and Its Chinese Indigenous Orientation
摘要 技术问题已经成为社会学关注的重要议题,目前国外技术社会学研究大致可概括为如下框架:一是在技术-社会关系层面,技术的社会影响和技术的社会建构分别构成了技术社会学的规范和经验两种路径,规范技术社会学包括实证性和否证性两个进路,经验技术社会学包括描述性和建设性两个进路;二是在技术-价值关系层面,实证性技术社会学和描述性技术社会学的共同前提是研究对象主体(技术或社会)的价值中立,否证性技术社会学和建设性技术社会学的共同前提是全部研究对象的价值负荷。与国外技术社会学进入主流社会学趋势相比,中国技术社会学研究还限于STSS(科技与社会研究)领域。必须要借鉴国外技术社会学研究框架,抓住社会学和STSS的本土化要求,深入中国技术发展史和展望世界技术前沿领域,重点进行传统文化的技术社会学思想阐释、推动马克思主义中国化的规范技术社会学研究和促进中国特色的经验技术社会学研究,最终呈现中国技术社会学的学科地位和现实意义。 At present overseas sociological studies of technology can be roughly categorized into two types. In terms of the relation between technology and society, the attention to both the social impacts of and the social construction of technology constitutes respectively the normative (positive and negative) sociology of and the empirical (descriptive and constructive) sociology of technology. In the light of the relation between technology and value, on the other hand, the common premise of the positive sociology of and the descriptive sociology of technology is that the research object, i.e. technology or social groups, are value-neutral, while both the descriptive sociology of and the constructive sociology of technology emphasize that technology and social groups are all value-laden. In contrast to the situation that overseas sociology of technology has become the mainstream sociology, Chinese sociology of technology is mainly confined to STSS (science, technology and society studies). Domestic scholars should draw on the experience of overseas study of sociology of technology, conform to the localization trend of sociology of technology and STSS, and focus on the interpretation of traditional Chinese culture in terms of sociology of technology in order to promote the development of Marxist normative sociological studies and the empirical sociological exploration of technology characteristic of China. In so doing, the disciplinary status and practical significance of sociology of technology in China will finally be manifested.
作者 李三虎
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期91-98,共8页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究(2011年度)重大课题攻关项目资助第7号招标课题<当代技术哲学的发展趋势研究>(项目批准号:11JZD007) 国家社会科学基金一般项目(2013年度)<当代技术哲学与技术间性理论>(项目编号:13BZX026)
关键词 技术社会学 规范研究路径 经验研究路径 本土建构方向 Sociology of technology Normative studies Empirical studies Indigenous orientation
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