

A Secure Communication Scheme Based on Multipath Key Agreement for Internet of Things
摘要 物联网具有终端异构、信息传输复杂、应用安全要求多样化等特点,并且物联网的终端大多处理能力有限,因此物联网中通信的安全问题较互联网更为严峻,而传统的单路传输安全方法无法在保证安全的同时降低运算的复杂度,不太适用于物联网环境。针对上述问题,提出将传统的加密技术与多路传输相结合,设计一种端到端的安全多路通信方法。该方法的基本思想是通信双方选择多条不同的传输路径,采用Diffie-Hellman算法进行密钥协商,将密钥协商信息分片并根据选择的路径发送给接收方,这样便协商出一个安全的会话密钥。然后,发送方使用该密钥加密数据并将得到的密文分片经多路传输。分析表明,相比于单路传输的安全通信方法能更好地对抗中间人攻击、密钥破解等安全问题,并在一定程度上降低运算复杂度。 Due to the unique characteristics in IoT, such as heterogeneous and processing capacity limited terminals, complex in-formation transmission process and diverse applications, communication security is much more complicated compared with the In-ternet.Moreover, the existing single-path transportation security methods can not ensure safety and reduce computation complexi-ty at the same time, which makes these methods not suitable for the IoT.In view of the above issues, this thesis proposes an end-to-end secure communication method for the IoT, combining encryption and authentication technology with multipath transporta-tion.The basic idea was as follow: both terminals carried on key agreement scheme based on the Diffie-Hellman algorithm. Then, the sender used the session key obtained in the above stage and the symmetric encryption algorithm to encrypt data and split the encrypted data into segments, which were then sent to the receiver through multiple independent paths.Theoretical anal-ysis shows that this method can be better against security threats such as man-in-the-middle attack, key crack, with reduced com-puting complexity to a certain extent compared with the single-path transportation secure method.
作者 谢婉娟
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2015年第2期86-89,94,共5页 Computer and Modernization
关键词 物联网 多路传输 安全通信 DIFFIE-HELLMAN算法 密钥协商 Internet of Things multipath transportation secure communication Diffie-Hellman algorithm key agreement
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