This research explores the mechanisms for buffering vibration and impact of pavements with different bond-breaking layers via the vibration isolation model. Geotextile, rubber sheet and curing agent are used as the bond-breaking layers between the pavement surface slabs and the bases. The indoor simulated impact and vibration tests and the micro-seismic testing system are adopted to characterize the vibration of concrete pavement surface slabs and bases with different bond-breaking layers. And the vibration response law of cement concrete pavement with different bond-breaking layers is originally obtained. The findings from the vibration response tests indicated that. (1) the surface slab without bond- breaking layer beneath has the highest maximum vibration velocity, followed by the surface slab atop single layer of geotextile as the bond-breaking layer, while the surface slab atop the rubber sheet as the bond-breaking layer having the lowest value; (2) the surface slab without bond-breaking layer beneath has the highest maximum vibration displacement, followed by the surface slab atop double layers of geotextile as the bond-breaking layer, while the surface slab atop the rubber sheet as the bond-breaking layer having the lowest; (3) for the bases under impact loading, their maximum vibration velocity and vibration displacement are reduced significantly compared to the surface slabs, thanks to damping imposed by the surface slabs and the bond-breaking layers atop; and (4) the base without bond-breaking layer atop has the highest maximum vibration velocity and maximum vibration displacement, in turn followed by the bases beneath the rubber sheet, single layer of geotextile and double layers of geotextile as the bond-breaking layers respectively. The vibration law of cement concrete pavements with different bond-breaking layers characterized by this research offers theoretical and methodological reference to further study on dynamic response of cement concrete pavements with various bond-breaking layers.
cement concrete pavement
bond-breaking layers
dynamic response simulate test
mechanisms for buffering vibration and impact