为研究果蔬垃圾厌氧发酵时,垃圾分类及TS对反应系统产沼气的影响,文章进行了果蔬垃圾的初步分类以及各类垃圾不同TS的产气比较实验。结果显示,玉米芯类TS 15%组日产气表现最佳,第14天达到第二个产气高峰,为3085 m L。累积产气量方面,玉米芯类TS 15%组达到67880 m L,分别是水果皮类TS 15%和叶草类TS 15%组的8.17倍和2.34倍;而产气率方面,玉米芯类TS 15%和TS 8%组都表现较好,达0.34 m L·g-1TS以上。除水果皮类,其他各组在整个发酵期间的甲烷浓度维持正常上升至稳定,与各组产气情况相一致。通过以上结果可知,不同类的果蔬垃圾具有不同的产气特性,在实际发酵中,可考虑添加玉米芯类物质并减少或去除水果皮类物质。
For comparing the anaerobic fermentation of fruit and vegetable garbage,fruit and vegetable garbage was isolated preliminarily,and anaerobically fermented. Gas production at different TS levels were compared. The results showed that corn cob at TS 15% group performed best,obtained the best daily gas production of 3085 mL on the day 14,and best cumulative gas production of 67880 mL,which were about 8. 17 and 2. 34 times of those fruit skin,and leaf-grass fermentation at TS 15%,respectively. The gas production rate of corn cob group at both TS 15% and 8% reached above 0. 34 m L·g^-1 TS. The methane concentration were in normal from lower to higher till stable except the fruit skin groups,whose methane concentration kept only at 30% ~ 35% during the fermentation period. So,it was suggested adding corn cob substances and reducing or removing the fruit skin in the actual fermentation.
China Biogas
anaerobic fermentation
gas production
CH4 concentration