
“伊斯兰威胁欧洲”?——政治的想象与宗教的建构 被引量:8

摘要 穆斯林移民欧洲古已有之,但自20世纪50年代以来的第二次穆斯林欧洲的移民潮,到目前为止,已引起欧盟国家从精英到民众的警惕,担心伊斯兰取代西方文化和价值,使欧洲伊斯兰化。本文认为,就目前来看,欧洲主流的伊斯兰教仍不拒绝本土化,"伊斯兰威胁欧洲"的提法,本质源于欧洲经济的衰落,现实中,这一提法则是欧洲政治的构建和伊斯兰极端主义的操弄的直接结果。法国巴黎"查理周刊"恐怖袭击事件,震惊世界。围绕着它,各种讨论如火如荼。其中有一种视角,值得玩味:欧洲的穆斯林人口和伊斯兰教,已经成为欧洲内部的敌人。于是穆斯林移民和伊斯兰教,再一次被推上舆论的风口浪尖。许多人在问:穆斯林将占领欧洲?欧洲将成为伊斯兰的欧洲?本文将围绕这些问题进行探讨。
作者 李维建
出处 《世界宗教文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期75-80,共6页 The World Religious Cultures
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  • 1Jocelyne Cesari, Why the West Fears Islam: An Exploration of Muslims in Liberal Democracies. Introduction.
  • 2Jocelyne Cesari, Why the West Fears Islam: An Exploration of Muslims in Liberal Democracies. Published by Palgrave Macmil|an, 2013. p. 132.
  • 3Jocelyne Cesari, Why the West Fears Islam: An Exploration of Muslims in Liberal Democracies. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. p. 1.
  • 4Jocelyne Cesari, Why the West Fears Islam: An Exploration of Muslims in Liberal Democracies. p. 139.
  • 5Jocelyne Cesari, "Introduction" , Why the West Fears Islam" An Exploration of Muslims in Liberal Democracies. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. p. 2.
  • 6Jocelyne Cesari, Why the West Fears Islam.. An Exploration of Muslims in Liberal Democracies. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. p. 13.
  • 7Jocelyne Cesari, Why the West Fears Islam: An Exploration of Muslims in Liberal Democracies. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. p. 2.
  • 8王联.试析欧洲的穆斯林移民问题[J].国际资料信息,2011(10):7-10. 被引量:2


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  • 2UN, " Muslim Immigration to Europe", General Assembly, PAMUN 2007, p. 2.
  • 3David Blair, "UN Predicts huge Migration to Rich Countries", The Daily Telegraph, March 15, 2007, http ://www. telegraph, co. uk/ news/worldnews/1545634/UN-predicts-huge - migration- to- rich- coun- tries, html.
  • 4Stefano Allievi, Conflicts over Mosques in Europe, Policy Issues and Trends, Published by Alliance Publishing Trust, 2009, Network of European Foundations, pp. 24--25.
  • 5Wilma A. Dunaway and Donald A. Clelland, "Ethnic Conflict in the Modem World-System: The Dialectics of Counter-Hegemonic Resistance in an Age of Transition", Journal of World-Systems Research, Vol. ix, No. 1, Winter 2003, p. 17.
  • 6Made11, Mark, "Dutch MPs to Decide on Burqa Ban", BBC News, January 16, 2006.
  • 7Shada Islam, "Beyond Minarets : Europe' s Growing Problem with Islam, Can One Be Both European and Muslim?" http://yaleglobal. yale. edu/content/beyond-minarets-europes-growing-problem.
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  • 9Sadanand Dhume, "The French Burqa Ban: Culture Clash Un- veiled", http ://yaleglobal. yale. edu/content/french - burqa - ban - cul- ture-clash -unveiled.
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