
低温对不同抗冷性菜豆品种生理机制的影响 被引量:7

Effect of low temperature stress on the physiological mechanism of kidney bean varities with different chilling tolerance
摘要 选用抗冷性较强的品种超级九粒白、抗冷性较弱的品种大江106架豆王为试验材料,以抗性介于两者之间的架豆王一号为对照,研究不同菜豆品种的抗冷机制。结果表明:在5℃低温胁迫下,超级九粒白的叶片冷害指数和叶片电解质渗漏率显著低于大江106架豆王和架豆王一号。SOD和POD活性变化规律均呈现先升高后降低的趋势,但超级九粒白的酶活性始终高于大江106架豆王,架豆王一号的酶活性始终在两者之间,并高于大江106架豆王。低温处理结束后,恢复期间,与架豆王一号相比,大江106架豆王的Pn和ΦPSⅡ明显下降,而架豆王一号的Pn和ΦPSⅡ始终低于超级九粒白。因此,超级九粒白的抗冷性明显优于大江106架豆王和架豆王一号的原因是其叶片冷害指数、叶片电解质渗漏率、抗氧化酶活性及Pn和ΦPSⅡ等抗冷指标均优于大江106架豆王和架豆王一号。 The chilling tolerance of 32 genotypes of kidney bean( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedlings were preliminary identified, and a variety with higher chilling tolerance named as Chaojijiulibai, a variety with lower chilling tolerance named as Dajiang-106-jiadouwang were screened out, and the variety named as Jiadouwang No.1, whose chilling tol-erance was between the former two, was selected as the control.These three varieties were taken as the materials treated under low temperature stress in order to study the physiological indexes and the chilling resistance mecha-nisms.The results were as follows: Under low temperature stress at 5℃, the chilling injury index and electrolytic leakage of leaves of Chaojijiulibai were distinctly lower than those of the other two.The SOD, POD activity of three varieties all increased at first, then decreased, but the enzyme activity of Chaojijiulibai were always higher than that of Dajiang-106-jiadouwang.The enzyme activity of the control was always between two varieties and higher than that of Dajiang-106-jiadouwang.During the recovery period after low temperature stress, Pn and ΦPSⅡ of Dajiang-106-jiadouwang were distinctly lower than those of the control, but Pn and ΦPSⅡ of Chaojijiulibai were distinctly higher than those of the control.In conclusion, Chaojijiulibai has a better chilling tolerance than that of Dajiang-106-jiadou-wang and the control.
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期189-193,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
基金 2010年浙江省第五批重大科技专项和优先主题项目(2010C12030 2010C02003) 浙江省公益性项目(2012C22019) 2012年浙江"三农六方"项目(113-2045210160)
关键词 菜豆 抗冷性 低温胁迫 kidney bean chilling tolerance low temperature stress
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