根据大邑县最新林改报表及林权登记统计表,大邑县主体确权累计42 700 hm2,换发证5.0728万本,涉及2.3万户;处于流转状态的林地有14 700 hm2。50%左右发生在集体林权制度改革过程中。通过实施政策性森林保险,组建大邑县现代林业投资发展公司,搭建林权流转交易平台等措施优化林权流转环境。本文通过分析大邑县林权流转现状,找出目前影响林权流转的主要矛盾和因素,从而提出了深化大邑县林权流转的改革建议。
Based on the new forest reform report and forest right statistical table of Dayi county, the clear forest fight area was 42 700 hm^2, and 50 728 forest fight certificates were changed, involving about 23 000 households. 14 700 hectares of forest land were in the forest fight civculation and the 50% of forest fight circulation occurred during the reform of forest fight system. And such measures as the policy forest insurance and building the modern forestry investment and development company of Dayi county were implemented to improve the forestry right circulation situation. An analysis was made of the forest right circulation measures and effect in Dayi county in this paper, aiming to find the principal contradic- tion and factors influencing forest fight ciuculation, and some proposals were put forward for the forest right circulation reform in Davi countv.
Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology
forest right circulation, reform proposal, Dayi county