某伴生银矿中银的品位为89.2g/t,为查明该矿中银的赋存状态,应用传统的光学显微镜以及MLA(Mineral Liberation Analyser,简称MLA)等大型先进的仪器对该银矿进行了详细深入的研究。结果表明,矿石中银主要以三种独立矿物的形式存在,分别是辉银矿、硒银矿及辉硒银矿。银在辉银矿、硒银矿及辉硒银矿中的分布率分别为53.42%、44.26%及2.31%。这些银矿物呈0.020mm以下的细粒或微细粒嵌布于云母类矿物中,少部分包裹于白云石、石英或重晶石中产出。可见,磨矿时单体解离不充分以及选矿时分选白云石,都将导致部分银损失于尾矿中。
The silver grade of an associated silver deposit is 89.2 g/t. In order to determine the silver occurrence status, a systemic study is carried out with instruments such as optical microscope and large-scale advanced MLA. The result shows that the silver in the ore mainly exists in three kinds of independent minerals, namely argentite, naumannite and aguilarite; and the distribution ratio of the silver in those minerals are 53.42% , 44.26% and 2.31% respectively. The silver mineral grains small than 0. 020 mm are mostly wrapped up by mica minerals and a small part of the silver mineral grains are wrapped up by dolomite, quartz or barite. Therefore,insufficient liberation of silver minerals and the rejection of dolomite by reverse flotation will cause silver losing in the tail.
Mining And Metallurgy