
基于SEM的维修资源管理对机务人员不安全行为的影响研究 被引量:12

Study on influence to unsafe behavior of aircraft maintenance personnel by maintenance resource management based on SEM
摘要 为减少维修差错导致的不安全事件,从维修资源管理对机务人员不安全行为的影响进行探讨,以团队合作、沟通交流、工作压力、领导能力、工作环境及惯例作为维修资源管理变量,考虑不安全行为意向对不安全行为的中介作用,提出了维修资源管理各因素对机务人员不安全行为的影响假设。通过实证分析,采用结构方程模型(SEM)的方法验证了维修资源管理各因素对机务人员不安全行为的影响假设。实证结果表明:维修资源管理各因素对机务人员不安全行为及意向有不同的影响作用。为机务人员的安全行为管理提供理论支持。 In order to reduce the unsafe events caused by repairing mistakes, the influence to unsafe behavior of air-craft maintenance personnel by maintenance resource management was discussed. Taking the teamwork, communi-cation, working pressure, leadership, working environment, and convention as the variables of maintenance re-source management, considering the intermediary role of unsafe behavior intention to unsafe behavior, the assump-tion of influence to unsafe behavior of aircraft maintenance personnel by each factor of maintenance resource man-agement was put forward. Through empirical analysis, the method of structural equation model ( SEM) was used to test and verify the above influence assumption. The empirical results showed that:the various factors of maintenance resource management have different influence on the unsafe behaviors and unsafe behavior intention of aircraft mainte-nance personnel. It provides a theoretical support for safety management of aircraft maintenance personnel.
出处 《中国安全生产科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期110-115,共6页 Journal of Safety Science and Technology
基金 2014年民航科技项目计划专项
关键词 维修资源管理(MRM) 不安全行为 安全管理 结构方程模型(SEM) maintenance resource management(MRM) unsafe behavior safety management structural equationmodel ( SEM )
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