目的 本文对陕西陇县下城子乡店子村遗址出土的中国战国时代人类的颅骨进行详细的观察,初步认识2000年前人类错(牙合)畸形的发病情况,以便在现有的资料中研究人类进化过程中各个阶段咀嚼器官的演化.方法 用临床常用的检查方法对考古遗址出土的2000年前人类颅骨标本进行观察,共观察标本110个个体,其中颅骨基本完整,上下牙弓基本完整,能观察到(牙合)关系的个体有24个.男性13例,女性11例.观察牙齿排列情况:牙列拥挤、牙间隙及个别牙齿错位;观察牙(牙合)关系及错(牙合)畸形的情况.结果 大多数颅骨标本可观察到少量的牙齿排列不齐牙齿轻度拥挤,只有1例为重度拥挤.颅骨标本中错(牙合)畸形的患病率为25.00%,安氏Ⅰ类2例,占8.33%;安氏Ⅱ类3例,占12.50%;安氏Ⅲ类1例,占4.17%.结论 在数百万年的人类进化历史中,错(牙合)畸形由无到有,由少到多,由轻到重.从新石器时代到殷商时期的几千年间,错(牙合)畸形的患病情况变化不大.随着工业革命的到来,人类食物的更加精细,颌骨咀嚼肌退化速度加快,错(牙合)畸形的发展速度也随之加快.6000年前宝鸡华县新石器时代人骨错(牙合)畸形的患病率为26.30%;4 000年前中国夏代人错(牙合)畸形的患病率27.59%,3 000多年前的安阳殷商头骨,错(牙合)畸形的患病率为28.00%.2 000年前陕西陇县遗址出土的战国时代人类的颅骨错(牙合)畸形的患病率为25.00%;1 500年前辽宁北票喇嘛洞魏晋十六国时期人骨的错(牙合)畸形患病率为42.53%.均比现代人低,说明在人类的演化过程中,咀嚼器官向着退化的方向发展,是随着人类社会文明进步而发展的“文明病”.
Objective A detailed observation was made to unearthed skulls of Chinese Warring States period from Longxian county in Shanxi province,with aims to understand malocclusion incidence 2 000 years ago and to study the evolutions of human mastication apparatus.Methods Routine clinical examination was used to observe the 110 unearthed specimens.24 of them which remained almost intact dental arches and had occlusal relationship were selected (13 male,11 female).The 24 specimens were observed for crowding,space and malalignment of teeth,and their occlusal relationships and malocclusions were evaluated.Results There were a few mal-alignments and mild crowding observed.Only one specimen presented with severe crowding.Incidence of malocclusion was 25.00%,with Angle Class Ⅰ 8.33% (2 specimens),Angle Class Ⅱ 12.50% (3 specimens),and Angle Class Ⅲ malocclusion 4.17% (1 specimen).Conclusions Malocclusion evolves from none to existed,from rare to more prevalent and from mild to severe throughout million years of human history.During the period from Neolithic Age to Shang Dynasty,the malocclusion didn't change much.But with the advent of industrial revolution,and with the adoption of modem processed food,the degeneration of jaws and masticatory muscles accelerated,leading to the increasing prevalence of malocclusion.The incidence was 26.30% in Neolithic period (Baoji Huaxian,6 000 years ago).It remained almostly unchanged of 27.59% in Xia Dynasty (4 000 years ago) and 28.00% in Shang Dynasty (Anyang,3 000 years ago).In our study,the malocclusion incidence was also the same level of 25.00% in Warring States period (Shanxi Longxian,2 000 years ago).Also,it was a little higher of 42.53% in Wei,Jin and Sixteen Kingdoms period (Lama Cave,Beipiao,Liaoning,1 500 years ago).All these data were much lower than the modem incidence.It could be deduced that,malocclusion is civilization disease,as masticatory apparatus degenerates and civilization develops during the process of human evolution.
Chinese Journal of Orthodontics