
以法治方式推进社会救助制度建设亟须规范顶层设计 被引量:1

Top-Level Design:The Way of Promoting the Rule of Law in Social Assistance System Building
摘要 国家决定要以法治方式推进社会救助制度建设,指明了我国社会救助可持续发展的方向。我国社会救助顶层设计存在瑕疵,主要表现为救助体系模糊、基本制度缺失、治理体系低效。以法治方式推进社会救助制度建设,迫切需要完善顶层设计,明确社会救助主体架构及发展方向,包括明确社会救助的含义及体系、突出强调社会救助价值追求和基本原则、统一社会救助对象范围等。同时需要创新治理体系,推动依法救助全面落实到位,包括健全社会救助治理机构、创新基层社会救助治理方式、强化救助政策执行、优化救助工作环境等。 The Government decided to promote the rule of law the way social assistance system construction, but our top - level design flawed social assistance,mainly for the relief system blur,lack of basic systems, inefficient system of governance. Promoting the rule of law social assistance system construction,an urgent need to improve top - level design,it is urgently needed to clarify its aims and scope,including a clear definition of its basic principles and of who is entitled to receive social assistance. In addition,it is necessary to improve the underlying policies of the social assistance system as well as its underlying legal and organizational structures. In order to ensure that social assistance services are fully implemented according to the law,it is critical to reform the governance system and patterns of the social assistance at the local level,to improve the governance institutions and to Improve work efficiency of assistance.
作者 朱勋克
出处 《社会保障研究》 CSSCI 2014年第4期80-87,共8页 Social Security Studies
关键词 社会救助 顶层设计 治理 法治 social assistance top-level design governance rule of law
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