
埃塞俄比亚奥罗莫人问题的由来与现状 被引量:1

On the Origin and the Status Quo of the Oromo Issue in Ethiopia
摘要 埃塞俄比亚是一个多民族国家,其现代疆域是19世纪末通过征战确立的。由于历史上埃塞俄比亚的统治族阿姆哈拉族一直对其他被征服民族施行霸权统治和强制同化政策,阶级划分与民族界线重合,导致埃塞俄比亚民族矛盾尖锐,被统治民族的反政府武装林立。奥罗莫族虽为埃塞俄比亚的第一大族,但自被征服以来,其在政治和社会生活中却长期处于绝对的边缘地位。由于不堪阿姆哈拉族的压迫,奥罗莫入掀起了长达一个多世纪的反政府武装斗争,并最终发展为民族独立运动。奥罗莫民族主义者对历届埃塞政权均持否定态度,认为正是他们的民族独裁政治和"殖民"统治导致了奥罗莫人的屈辱地位,他们反对所有殖民统治,并最终以独立建国实现自治为斗争目标。奥罗莫人的反政府武装已成为影响埃塞俄比亚和平发展和非洲之角和谐安宁的一个重要因素。 The modern territory of Ethiopia, a muhi-ethnic state, was delimited through civil wars in late 19^th century. Because Amhara, the ruling ethnic group, has been implementing the policies of hegemony, assimilation, class division and ethnic amalgamation, serious feud and insurrections have been aroused among the ethnic groups. For a long time, the Oromo people, with the largest population among all ethnic groups in the country, have been under the suppression of the Amhara since they were subjugated. people have continued an Anti-government armed struggl Not willing to be subdued, the Oromo e for more than a century and developed it into a national independence movement. The Oromo nationalists have repudiated all Ethiopian governance, regarding the governmental dictatorship and colonization as the main reason for their humiliated position. The armed Oromo forces have become an influential factor in maintaining peace in both Ethiopia and Africa.
作者 罗圣荣
出处 《世界民族》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期62-69,共8页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"撒哈拉以南非洲反政府武装问题研究:背景 进程与影响"(12YJCGJW013)部分研究成果 云南大学"中青年骨干教师培养计划"专项经费资助
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  • 1Mats Lundahl ed. , From Crisis to Growth in Africa, London: Routedge, 2001, p. 66.
  • 2Oromo Liberation Front, OLF Major Policies, http://www, google, com. hk/url? sa = t&rct = j&q = Oromo% 20Liberacion% 20Front&source = web&cd = 1 &red = 0CDEQFjAA&url = % 68% 74% 74% 70% 3a% 2f% 2f% 77% 77% 77% 2e% 6f% 72% 6f% 6d% 6f% 6c% 69%62% 65% 72% 61% 74% 69% 6f% 6e% 66% 72% 6f% 6e% 74% 2e% 6f% 72% 67% 2f&ei = YgEDUvbxG6mYiQeb7oC4Cw&usg = AFQjCNERLvepHokwhovBa5 LJrl RORDY4bg&bvm = by. 50500085, d. aGc&cad = rjt.
  • 3Asafa Jalata, Oromia & Ethiopia : State Formation and Ethnonational Conflict, 1868--1992, Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993, p. 165.
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  • 8Asafa Jalata, Oromia & Ethiopia: State Formation and Ethnonational Conflict, 1868--1992, Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1993, p. 156,153.
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