
阿富汗局势现状与前景评析 被引量:4

An Analysis of the Situation in Afghanistan: Status Quo and Prospects
摘要 2014年,随着政府换届选举完成及北约安全部队全面撤军,阿富汗进入了政治、安全、经济和外交的全面转型期。从当前形势发展来看,阿富汗的政治前景不明,安全局势恶化的可能性很大,经济自立自足为时尚早,平衡外交的实施难度很大。中国在阿富汗问题上既应该高度关注,积极参与,也须保持一贯谨慎低调的态度。 With the completion of the general election and the full withdrawal of the NATO security forces in 2014,Afghanistan has entered a phase of political,security,economic and diplomatic transformation. Currently,Afghanistan's political future is still uncertain,its security situation may deteriorate,and it is still far away before it realizes an economic self-sufficiency. It is also very difficult for the government to implement a balanced foreign policy.Against such background,China should continue to pay high attention to the development in Afghanistan and actively participate in local reconstruction. At the same time,China should consistently keep a low profile.
作者 李敏
出处 《现代国际关系》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期53-60,64,共8页
关键词 阿富汗 国内政治 经济局势 外交转向 中阿关系 Afghanistan,domestic politics,economic situation,foreign policy adjustment,China-Afghanistan relations
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