
命篇与命体--兼论中国古代文体观念的发生 被引量:23

The Designation of Chapter and Style——With a Discussion of the Emergence of the Concept of Literary Style in Ancient China
摘要 文体观念的发生是中国文体学史研究首先要面对的问题。虽然其研究有多种路径,但最直接、最重要的是从语言形式内部入手,结合传世文献与出土文献,研究命篇与命体之发生进而研究文体观念之发生。命篇与命体是文体观念发生最重要的表现形态。篇章的出现是文体产生的基础,篇章意识的出现可以视为文体观念的萌芽。命篇标志了篇的独立,反映了古人对篇的内容、结构等方面的认识,是文体认定与命体的前提,命体是文体观念发生的标志。从先秦到汉代,文献的命篇与命体从无到有,呈现越来越明晰的趋势,但仍存在文体分类的模糊性与诸体命体进程的不平衡性。命篇与命体标志着文体观念的发生,它既是中国文体学史的起点,也是其理论雏形和理论基因,对中国文体学发展产生了重要而深远的影响。 The emergence of the concept of literary style is the first question to be faced in studying the history of Chinese literary style.Although there are a variety of research approaches,the most direct and most significant involves starting from within linguistic forms and researching the appearance of the designation of chapters,or articles,and style,and thence proceeding to the emergence of the concept of literary style.This should be done in conjunction with documents that have been handed down and those from archeological excavations.Designation of chapter and style is the most important way in which the concept of literary style is expressed.The emergence of sections and chapters underlies the appearance of literary style,and the emerging awareness of sections and chapters can be viewed as an embryonic form of the concept of literary style.The designation of chapters or articles is a sign that they were independent;it reflects the ancients' understanding of chapter content,structure,etc.It is a prerequisite for the recognition and designation of literary style,while the designation of styles marks the emergence of the concept of literary style.From the pre-Qin period to the Han Dynasty,the designation of chapters and styles grew from nothing to an increasingly clear trend,but ambiguity in the classification of literary styles and imbalance in the progress of various designations still remained.The designation of chapters and styles marked the emergence of the concept of literary style.As the starting point for the history of studies of literary style in China,and the theoretical prototype and DNA of such studies,it has had a profound and far-reaching influence on the development of studies of Chinese literary styles.
机构地区 中山大学中文系
出处 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期161-182,205-206,共22页 Social Sciences in China
基金 国家哲学社会科学重大项目“中国古代文体发展史”的阶段性成果
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