
打开奖励的“薛定谔黑箱”:认知学派与行为学派的理论分野与整合 被引量:13

Opening Schr?dinger Black Box of Rewards:Theoretical Distinction and Integration between Cognition and Behavior Schools
摘要 对经典激励理论的拉卡托斯批判揭示,在奖励与其行为结果之间横亘着一个社会心理"黑箱"。以Deci为代表的认知学派与以Eisenberger为代表的行为学派对奖励效果的论争长达二十多年。观点的对立不仅阻滞了理论的发展,也导致了实践者的无所适从。本文整合演化心理学和神经经济学观点,在厘清二者理论分野的基础上,从奖励的双重性和双路径动机性信息加工过程出发,引入角色知觉与认知框架,构建了一个整合的多路径模型,力图演绎和还原两种理论的冲突过程,并为整合和深化两种理论、提高奖励效果提出一系列假说。 The Lakatos' criticism of classic incentive theories reveals that there exists a "black box" of social psychology between rewards and behavior outcomes. However, the de- bate about reward consequences between cognition school represented by Deci and behavior school represented by Eisenberger has been lasting for almost two decades. These two con- tradictory views not only restrict the theoretical development, but also make the practitioners bewildered. This paper integrates the views of evolutionary psychology and neuro-economics to identify the theoretical divergence of these two schools, and introduces role perception and cognition framework based on the dual nature of rewards and dual-path motivated informa- tion processing to construct an integrated multi-path model. It tries to deduce and recuperate the conflict processes of these two opposite theories,and puts forward a series of hypotheses for the integration and deepening of these two theories and the improvement of reward conse- quences.
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期27-39,共13页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(10YJC630178) 上海市哲学社会科学规划项目(2013BGL015) 上海市教育科学项目(B12026) 上海市教育委员会创新项目(12YS001)
关键词 奖励 激励效应 薛定谔黑箱 认知学派 行为学派 reward incentive effect Schr6dinger black box cognition school behavior school
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