
基于工作投入与核心自我评价视角的辱虐管理与员工主动行为研究 被引量:39

Abusive Supervision and Subordinate Proactive Behavior:Exploring the Effects of Work Engagement and Core Self-Evaluations
摘要 基于自我决定理论和行为弹性理论,深入研究了辱虐管理为何以及怎样影响员工的主动行为。研究结果表明,主管的辱虐管理对员工的主动行为具有显著的负向影响,而工作投入在辱虐管理与主动行为的关系中起着完全中介作用,即辱虐管理会降低员工在工作中的投入,继而减少了主动行为。同时,核心自我评价会削弱辱虐管理的直接效应和工作投入的间接效应,即相对于低核心自我评价的员工,高核心自我评价的员工较少因为主管的辱虐管理而降低其工作投入,进而较少减少主动行为。 Employee proactive behavior is vital to an enterprise's survival and development, which has been an emerging research field of employee behavior in the workplace. However, there are few studies to explore employee proactive behavior both in the contexts of Chinese enterprises and western enterprise, especially in the context of Chinese enterprises. Drawing on the self-determination theory and behavioral plasticity theory, this study presents a motivational model to examine the influence of abusive supervision on employee proactive behavior. The empirical results indicated that abusive su- pervision is significantly and negatively related to employee proactive behavior, and this relationship is fully mediated by employee work engagement. Specifically, abusive supervision decreases subordi nates' levels of work engagement, and consequently leads to less proactive behaviors. This study also found that core self-evaluations attenuate the main effect of abusive supervision and the indirect effect of work engagement on employee proactive behavior.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期347-354,共8页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助重点项目(71332002)
关键词 员工主动行为 辱虐管理 工作投入 核心自我评价 proactive behavior abusive supervision work engagement core sel{-evaluations
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