

Huntington's Disease: evaluation of brain CT, MRI and 1H- MRS images
摘要 目的研究2个亨廷顿病家系亨廷顿病患者的颅脑常规CT、MRI及磁共振波谱成像(^1H—MRspec—troscopy,MRS)表现。方法对2个亨廷顿病家系的6例亨廷顿病患者行头颅常规CT、MRI及MRS检查,并与20例正常志愿者进行比较,检查序列包括:CT平扫、MRIT1WI、T2WI、FLAIR及MRS。结果颅脑CT、MRI显示亨廷顿患者的两侧尾状核、壳核萎缩,两侧侧脑室前角扩大;两侧尾状核头及壳核的NAA/Cr比值降低,Ch/Cr比值升高(P〈0.05)。结论亨廷顿病的CT、MRI主要表现为两侧尾状核、壳核萎缩;尾状核、壳核的^1H—MRS代谢异常有助于亨廷顿病的诊断。 Objective To investigate the brain CT, MRI and MRS images of patients with Huntington's disease from two families. Methods Six patients with Huntington's disease underwent CT, MRI and MRS scanning, including con- ventional CT, T1WI, T2WI, FLAIR and MRS. These data were then compared with those collected from 20 healthy sub- jects. Results According to the brain CT and MRI images, these patients presented atrophy of the bilateral caudate nu- cleus and putamen, as well as the enlargement of anterior horn of the bilateral ventricles. MRS results showed a de- creased ratio of NAA/Cr and an increase in the ratio of Cho/Cr in the bilateral caudate nucleus and putamen (P 〈 0.05). Conclusions The images of brain CT and MRI indicated atrophy of the bilateral caudate nucleus and putamen. Abnormal metabolism on ^1H -MRS could be helpful for the diagnosis of Huntington's disease.
出处 《徐州医学院学报》 CAS 2014年第12期911-914,共4页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Xuzhou
关键词 亨廷顿病 体层摄影术 X线计算机 磁共振成像 Huntington's disease tomography X- ray computed magnetic resonance imaging
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