
煤泥微乳捕收剂浮选性能试验研究 被引量:3

Experimental research on micro- emulsion collector on coal flotation
摘要 为了探索自制微乳捕收剂LY的浮选性能,采用山东新汶矿业集团孙村煤矿煤泥样品进行了浮选试验研究,试验结果表明:在微乳捕收剂LY用量为0.6 kg/t时,可以获得精煤产率为60.17%、精煤灰分为10.65%的分选指标;与最佳的柴油分选指标相比,微乳捕收剂LY的精煤产率提高了4.85个百分点,精煤灰分提高了0.83个百分点,并且微乳捕收剂LY的用量比柴油低0.1 kg/t,实际的柴油节省率为73%左右(不考虑表面活性剂)。红外光谱分析表明,微乳捕收剂LY与煤泥作用后,产生了新的—S—O—吸收峰,增大了煤泥表面的疏水面积,从而有利于分选效率的提高,但其分选选择性有待提高。 The flotation test is made with coal slime sample of Shandong Energy Xinwen Mining Group Sunjiacun coal mine in order to research flotation effect of LY micro- emulsion collector. The result shows that the yield and ash of clean coal is up to 60. 17% and 10. 65% respectively when consumption of LY micro- emulsion collector is 0. 6 kg / t; compared to diesel collector at the optimized dosage,the yield and ash of clean coal is increased by 4. 85% and 0. 83% respectively and the consumption is reduced by 0. 1 kg / t,and then actual percentage of saving diesel is around 73% regardless of surfactant.- S- O- absorption peak that will extent hydrophobic area of coal slime surface is produced by micro-emulsion collector interacting with coal slime according to infrared spectroscopy,which can improve separating efficiency but the separating selectivity remains to be improved.
出处 《选煤技术》 CAS 2014年第6期9-11,29,共4页 Coal Preparation Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51474140) 中国博士后基金项目(2012M511534) 山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目(BS2013NJ019)
关键词 煤泥浮选 捕收剂 微乳捕收剂 柴油 浮选性能 coal slime flotation collector micro-emulsion collector diesel flotation performance
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