
公众演讲焦虑研究综述 被引量:5

The Review of Public-speaking Anxiety
摘要 介绍了公众演讲焦虑的研究——公众演讲焦虑的流行病学和病理学特点,公众演讲焦虑者的身心反应、认知模式及公众演讲焦虑的干预。流行病学和病理学的研究表明,公众演讲焦虑可能是社交焦虑症的一个独特的亚型。公众演讲焦虑者在演讲前、中、后有其特有的身心反应。演讲时,个体对其负面社会表现的注意偏向以及因此产生的消极自我意象是导致公众演讲焦虑的原因,认知行为疗法(CBT)对公众演讲焦虑有积极的治疗作用。最后探讨了公共演讲焦虑的未来研究方向——扩大取样范围,提高研究对象的代表性,得出更具推广性的研究结论;继续探讨其他因素对公众演讲焦虑的影响并深入、细致地探讨相关深层次问题;探讨结合了虚拟现实环境暴露的认知行为疗法(VRCBT)等新型认知行为疗法等对我国公众演讲焦虑者的治疗效果。 This article presents research on public-speaking anxiety epidemiological and pathological characteristics, physical and mental reaction, cognitive mode and the intervention. According to the study of epidemiology and pathology, public-speaking anxiety is likely to be a unique subtype of social anxiety. Public-speaking anxiety sufferers have pecuhar physical and mental reaction before, during and after a speech. In the course of speech, individuals' attentional bias to the negative social performance and the resulting negative self-image are causes to lead to public-speaking anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy have the positive therapeutical effect on public-speaking anxiety. In the end, this paper discusses the future research direction of public-speaking anxiety expanding the scope of sampling, improving the representativeness of research objects, obtaining more promotional research conclusions; And further explores other factors' effects on public-speaking anxiety and other relative deep problems; Probes new cognitive behavioral therapy such as CBT with exposure to virtual reality, its therapeutical effect on public-speaking anxiety sufferers in China.
作者 赵庆华
出处 《甘肃高师学报》 2014年第4期105-109,共5页 Journal of Gansu Normal Colleges
关键词 公众演讲焦虑 身心反应 认知模式 干预 public-speaking anxiety physiological and mental reactions cognitive mode intervention
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