
搬运事件及其变式 被引量:2

Carry Event and Its Alternations
摘要 Beth Levin在《英语动词分类和变式》中把动词分为49大类。以认知功能模式的概念框架为理论基础,以Levin的搬运小类动词为研究对象,分析该类动词共有的概念语义和动词可以准入的小句变式,以及动词进入不同变式的语义条件,构建搬运事件的概念框架,同时指出Levin搬运动词分类的不足。 In the book English Verb Classes and Alternations,Beth Levin divides the English verbs into 49 major categories.Based on the cognitive grammar of conceptual frame by Cheng Qilong,the thesis selects verbs in subclass of Carry category as the research data to study its common conceptual meanings and syntactic alternations,and the conceptual restraints that al-low the verbs occur in certain alternation.In the end,the paper tries to construct conceptual frame of Carry event,and points out the limitations in Levin?s classification of Carry verbs.
作者 章凤花
出处 《金陵科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第4期51-56,共6页 Journal of Jinling Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 搬运事件 概念框架 变式 Carry event conceptual frame alternations
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