
双壳油船底部破舱水下原油泄漏过程三维数值模拟 被引量:4

Three dimensinal numerical simulation on oil leakage from the double hull oil tanker damaged on the bottom
摘要 为研究双壳油船因搁浅或触礁导致底部破舱油品水下泄漏的过程,文中基于流体动力学理论,建立了双壳油船油舱三维数值模型,利用VOF模型表面跟踪方法对互不相容流体交界面液相流动问题进行了模拟,通过动态监测舱内油、水等运动特征对整个泄漏过程进行了阶段划分及特征分析,并将数值模拟结果与实验结果进行比较.比较结果表明:文中的三维数值模型能够比较准确地反映油品水下泄漏过程,可用于分析双层底内部流场特征. In order to study the process of oil spilling from the damaged double hull tanker in grounding and col-lision incidents,the 3D model tank was built based on the theory of fluid dynamics.The volume of fluid ( VOF) method was used to simulate the interface flow between water and oil.The whole leakage progress was divided in-to different stages and studied by dynamically monitoring the motion characteristic of oil and water in the tank. The result of numerical simulation was compared with the experimental results from the references.It shows that the 3D numerical model can reflect the actual process precisely.The model can well illustrate the process of oil leakage from the double hull tanker damaged on the bottom.Meanwhile,this paper provides a reliable numerical simulation model for the study the characters of fluid field in the double hull space.
出处 《江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第5期423-428,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51079129) 浙江省教育厅基金资助项目(Z200906153) 浙江省交通厅项目(2009W10)
关键词 三维数值模型 双壳油船 VOF模型 泄漏过程 流场特征 3 D numerical model double hull oil tank VOF model leakage process character of fluid field
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