

Uncover the Mystery of an One Thousand Years Old Ancient Temple——Cuiluo Temple on Mountain Haixi——Jintang Cuiluo Temple on Mountain Haixi was on Western Daishan Island originally
摘要 海西山翠萝寺是舟山历史上影响较大的一座寺院。文章从宋元时期(洪武海禁之前)昌国县四乡分界入手,考证出海西山的具体位置为今岱山岛西部,再从现今岱山岛的形成历史考证出“海西山”是岱山本岛茶前山至宫后山一线山脉及沿岸平地滩涂形成的岛屿,改写了明清及现当代舟山历史地理上一直将岱山全岛整体作为蓬莱乡属地的错误。以南宋王象之所著《舆地纪胜》所记翠萝寺所处地理位置在岱山作为应证,解决了宋朝岱山镇(市)的区域不包括岱山西面岛屿的问题。在翠萝寺所处岛屿海西山问题解决之后,文章从历代地方志史料中确定现今的资福寺遗址就是翠萝寺,并就翠萝寺遗址被错认为创于五代后晋天福八年的北界村(嵊泗列岛)的资福寺这个张冠李戴状况的原因进行分析。 Cuiluo Temple on Mountain Haixi is an influential temple in Zhoushan history. From the Song and Yuan period (before Hongwu sea trade embargo ), the boundary of the four towns in Changguo county, this paper finds out the location of Mountain Haixi is in the west of today's Daishan Island. Then from the current Daishan Island's historical textual research, it is known that Mountain Haixi is the islands formed by a range of islands from Mountain Chaqian to Mountain Gonghou on Daishan Island, which rewrites the history of Ming, Qing dynasty and modem times considering Daishan Island as a part of Penglai township. In the Southern Song dynasty, Wang Xiangzhi wrote a topographical book called Yudijisheng, in which he recorded the geographical position of Cuiluo Temple was in Daishan, from which we know that the west of Daishan was not included in Daishan town in Songdynasty. After knowing the location of Mountain Haixi, from the information of all previous dynasties historical data in local chorography, the article finds out that today's Zifu Temple ruins is Cuiluo Temple. The article analyzes the causes of the mistake that Cuiluo Temple site starting from the Zifu Temple in Beijie village (Shengsi Islands) during Tianfu eight years in the five dynasties and Post-Jin dynasty.
作者 林斌
出处 《浙江国际海运职业技术学院学报》 2014年第4期14-18,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang International Maritime College
关键词 岱山 寺院 昌国县 蓬莱乡 翠萝寺 Daishan temple Changguo county Penglai township Cuiluo Temple
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