
针灸治未病与高血压前期相关理论 被引量:7

Related Theory on Preventive Treatment Disease with Acupuncture and Prehypertension
摘要 高血压前期(120-139/80-89mm Hg)是从正常血压到高血压病的过渡阶段,疾病尚处于萌芽状态,属"隐证""未病""欲病"范畴。应用治未病理论防治高血压早期,具有重大意义,甚至可逆转疾病进程。《伤寒论》中即有"太阳病,头痛至七日以上自愈者,以行其经尽故也。若欲作再经者,针足阳明,使经不传则愈",针刺和艾灸作为治未病的一种手段,经络腧穴理论相结合,辨证取穴,操作简便、经济安全、疗效显著、毒副作用少。高血压前期体内内环境稳态已失衡,提早运用安全、经济、简便、有效的针灸进行预防和治疗,有利于整体调节,平衡阴阳,使经络气血运行顺畅,既可纠正体内异常,又不干扰正常机能;需在中医理论指导下,有针对性做到因人制宜、因地制宜、因时制宜。未来研究还需更加透彻、更加科学,突破传统思维模式和用针方法,实现辨证与辨病相结合,研究作用机制及应用,做到对高血压前期人群的早发现、早预防、早治疗,有效延缓或避免转化为高血压病,降低高血压病的发生和发展。 Pre hypertension(120-139/80-89mm Hg) is the transitional stage from normal blood pressure to hypertensive disease,which is still in its infancy and belongs to the disease category of "hidden card","disease","desire". Application of preventive treatment of disease theory prevent and treat hypertension in early stage,even reverse the progress of the disease.which is of great significance."Treatise on the Febrile Disease" shows "Taiyang disease,which symptoms of headache can disappear for over 7 days by itself; but if the healthy qi is insufficient,the pathogenic factors is excessive which transform the symptoms to other meridians,then selecting the acupoints in the Zu Yangming to needle in order to strengthen the body resistance to eliminate the pathogenic factors and stop the pathogenesis transmission. Acupuncture and moxibustion as a means for preventive treatment disease,which is characterized by combination with collateral and meridians theory,dialectical acupoint selection,simple operation,economic security,obviously curative effects and less side effects. Steady state preliminary in vivo environment within the hypertension has imbalance,so apply safe,economic,simple and effective method for the prevention and treatment of acupuncture and moxibustion in advance,which is conducive to the overall adjustment,the balance between Yin and Yang and keep Qi and blood circulation smooth,in order to correct the abnormal body and not to interfere with the normal function.It need the princinple of the targeted person,do suit one's measures to local conditions and climate-concerned circumstances under the guidance of Chinese medicine theory. Research in the future also needs to be more thorough,more scientific,break the traditional mode of thinking and needles method,to realize the combination of syndrome differentiation and disease differentiation,research on action mechanism and application,in order to accomplish early discovery,early prevention,early treatment of pre hypertensive population,effectively delay or avoid into high blood pressure disease,reduce the occurrence and development of hypertension.
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2015年第1期4-6,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
基金 2014年辽宁省高等学校创新团队脾脏象理论及应用研究(No:LT2014021)
关键词 高血压前期 隐证 欲病 治未病 针灸 pre hypertension hidden card desire disease preventive treatment of disease acupuncture
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