

Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Fatty Liver Randomized Parallel Group Study
摘要 [目的]观察辨证分型治疗脂肪肝疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将76例住院患者按病志号抽签法简单随机分为两组。基础治疗,控制体重、戒烟戒酒、去除病因、饮食控制、适量运动。对照组38例易善复胶囊,456mg/次,2次/d,口服。治疗组38例辨证分型。1痰湿内阻,化痰祛湿,化痰祛瘀方(半夏12g,陈皮10g,白术、茯苓各12g,竹茹8g,生山楂15g,蔻仁、泽泻各10g,朴厚12g);2湿热内壅,清利湿热,清热利湿方(栀子12g,茵陈10g,半夏15g,黄芩、车前子各12g,泽泻10g,赤芍15g,虎杖、蒲公英各10g);3脾虚湿阳,健脾方(白术炒12g,太子参10g,陈皮12g,甘草炙、藿香、木香各10g,苍术12g,山楂15g,葛根10g,米仁15g);4肝肾阴虚,滋养肝肾,补肝养肾方(生地12g,麦冬10g,山萸肉12g,首乌15g,决明子10g,五味子8g,枸杞12g);5肝郁痰滞血瘀,疏肝理气,化痰祛瘀,疏肝化瘀方(陈皮12g,香附20g,柴胡15g,枳壳10g,桃仁、郁金各15g,地龙10g,红花8g,鳖甲10g);1剂/d,水煎200m L,早晚口服。连续治疗90d为1疗程。观测临床症状、脂肪肝病灶、不良反应。治疗1疗程,判定疗效。[结果]治疗组显效27例,有效9例,无效2例,总有效率94.74%。对照组显效19例,有效7例,无效12例,总有效率68.42%。治疗组疗效优于对照组(P<0.05)。[结论]辨证分型治疗脂肪肝效果显著,值得推广。 [Objective]To observe the treatment of fatty liver syndrome type effect. [Methods]Using random parallel control method,76 cases of hospitalized patients by disease Zhi No. ballot method is simple and randomized into two groups. Both groups were using the basic treatment,weight control,smoking and drinking,remove the cause,diet control,regular exercise. The control group 38 cases Essentiale capsules,456 mg / times,2 times / d,orally. Treatment group 38 cases Syndromes. 1 phlegm resistance,phlegm dampness,phlegm and blood stasis party(Banxia 12 g,Chenpi 10 g,Baizhu,Fuling 12 g,Zhuru 8g,Shengshanzha 15 g,Kouren,Zexie 10 g,Houpu12g);2 heat within obstruct,clearing heat,heat and dampness party(Zhizi 12 g,Yinchen 10 g,Banxia 15 g,Huangqi,Cheqianzi each 12 g,Zexie 10 g,Chishao 15 g,Huzhang,Pugongying 10g);3spleen wet yang,spleen side(Baizhu 12 g,Taizishen 10 g,Chenpi 12 g,Gancao,Huoxiang,Muxiang each 10 g,Cangzhu 12 g,Shanzha 15 g,Gegen 10 g,Mi Ren 15g); 4 liver and kidney,nourish the liver and kidney,liver Yang Shen Fang(Shengdi 12 g,Maidong 10 g,Shanyurou 12 g,Shouwu 15 g,Juemingzi 10 g,Wuweizi 8g,Gouqi 12g); 5 liver depression and phlegm stagnation and blood stasis,liver Qi,of phlegm stasis,Shugan Huayu(Chenpi 12 g,Xiangfu 20 g,Chaihu 15 g,Zhike 10 g,Taoren,Yunjin 15 g,Dilong10 g,Honghua 8g,Biejia 10g); 1/d,decoction 200 m L,sooner or later orally. 90 d is a continuous course of treatment. Observation of clinical symptoms,fatty liver lesions,adverse reactions. A course of treatment to determine efficacy. [Results]Treatment group,27 cases markedly effective in 9 cases,2 cases,the total efficiency of 94.74%. Control group,19 cases markedly effective in 7 cases,12 cases,the total efficiency of 68.42%. Treatment group than the control group(P〈0.05). [Conclusion]The treatment of fatty liver syndrome type effect is significant,it is worth promoting.
作者 赵健
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2015年第1期33-35,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 脂肪肝 易善复胶囊 辨证分型 痰湿内阻 湿热内壅 脾虚湿阳 肝肾阴虚 肝郁痰滞血瘀 脂肪肝病灶 中医药治疗 随机平行对照研究 fatty liver essentiale capsule syndrome type phlegm resistance obstruct the heat spleen wet yang liver and kidney liver stagnation and blood stasis phlegm stagnation fatty liver lesions Chinese medicine treatment randomized parallel control study
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