
个人信息控制者违约赔偿责任研究 被引量:7

Study on Controller's Compensation Liability for Default on Personal Information
摘要 [目的/意义]建立个人信息控制者违约责任尤其是赔偿责任机制,为个人信息资源保护立法及个人信息资源的规范合理收集使用提供有力的理论支持。[方法/过程]采用文献分析法、实证分析法、经济分析法、系统分析法以及规范分析法等研究方法,以个人信息资源的权利属性分析为基础,从个人信息收集使用行为的合同关系出发,以个人信息控制者违约责任构成、归责原则和责任方式为突破口,界定违约赔偿范围,最终提出违约赔偿标准解决方案。[结果/结论]通过研究发现,个人信息资源具有典型的财产权和人格权双重属性,个人信息收集和使用关系具有突出的合同属性,个人信息资源财产权具有许可使用费属性;个人信息控制者违约赔偿范围包括精神损害赔偿和财产损失赔偿;赔偿标准应分为一般违约的补偿性赔偿和严重违约的惩罚性赔偿,精神损害赔偿标准应当财产化,财产损失补偿性赔偿的标准应为损失的全部;惩罚性赔偿的标准应为补偿性赔偿标准的3-5倍。本文提出的违约赔偿责任范围、赔偿标准等解决方案和方法具有较强的合理性和可操作性。 [ Purpose/significance] The goal of this paper is to build a mechanism on default liability of personal in- formation controller, especially the compensation liability, and to provide a strong theoretical support for the legislation of the protection on the personal information resources, the reasonable collection and utilization on it. [ Method/process ] This paper adopts a series of analysis methods of literature, empirical, economic, system, normative and others . On the basis of attribute analysis on the personal information rights, starting from the relationship of contract in the collection and utilization behavior of personal information, with the composition, the imputation principle and the liability of personal in- formation controller as the breakthrough point, this paper defines the scope of compensation, and finally puts forward the solution of default compensation standard. [ Result/conclusion ] Through the study, it finds that personal information re- sources has a typical dual attribute of property and personality rights; the relationship of collection and utilization on per- sonal information has outstanding properties of the contract; the property rights have attribute of license fees, the default compensation the controller should pay include spiritual damages and property loss; the compensation standard should be divided into general default compensatory damages and punitive damages; the standard of compensation for spiritual dam- age should be propertied; the compensatory payment standard of property loss should include the whole loss ; punitive dam- ages standards should be 3 - 5 times as the compensatory. This paper puts forward the compensation scope of default lia- bility, the solutions and methods of compensation standard which have strong rationality and operability.
作者 杨晓娇
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期17-24,43,共9页 Library and Information Service
关键词 个人信息控制者 违约责任 赔偿范围 补偿性赔偿 惩罚性赔偿 personal information controller default liability scope of compensation the payment of compensatory punitive damage
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