目的评价强化训练、标准化病人问诊训练、多种教学方法联合应用、严格出科考核对中医专业本科生的实习结果影响。方法对在我附属医院中医妇科实习的中医专业本科生按照是否采取强化训练、标准化病人问诊训练、多种教学方法联合应用、严格出科考核分为A、B组,比较两组出科考核成绩、涉及中医妇科的毕业论文设计及报考中医妇科研究生人数。结果 A组学生的中医妇科出科考试成绩高于B组(P<0.05),且涉及中医妇科的毕业论文与中医妇科研究生报考率均高于B组。结论强化训练、标准化病人问诊训练、多种教学方法联合应用、严格出科考核可提高中医专业本科生中医妇科的实习质量,并激发中医妇科学习兴趣。
Objective To evaluate effect of intensive training, standardized patient inquiry training, combined application of multiple teaching methods, and strict eourse completion test on internship of Chinese medicine majored undergraduate students. Methods Undergraduate students undergoing internship of Chinese gynecology in the affiliated hospital were divided into group A and group B. Students in group A were given the above mention training while group B received no such training. Course completion examination scores of the two groups were compared and analyzed. Results Students in group A scored higher than those in group B (P〈0.05). Conclusion Intensive training, standardized patient inquiry training, combined application of multiple teaching methods, and strict course completion test can help improve Chinese gynecology practice quality among undergraduate students of Chinese medicine, and also help stimulate their interest to learn the course.
Education of Chinese Medicine
Chinese gynecology
clinical practice
intensive training